The focus is on people
Sustainable measures
The working world has changed due the influence of new technologies, trends and changes in employees’ expectations. Different generations work hand-in-hand and learn from each other and with each other. Today’s work needs to align with individual interests, values and convictions.
Flexible working models, transparent communication structures and lean management structures are requested. These are high expectations, which we are happy to face.
We offer modern HR concepts, foster individual fulfilment and enable our employees to balance work and personal lives. Employee development and retention is very important to us.
Work-life balance at Nordzucker
It is the little things in life that make a difference – Work-Life Balance at Nordzucker started with a comparatively small initiative of daily fresh fruit for all employees, daily and at no cost.
This was followed by health and nutrition initiatives, which have now become an integral part of the concept.
We value the right balance in day-to-day work – consequently, we enable flexible working hours and maintain continuous communication with our employees so that we can offer suitable and effective measures. Home office is a well-adapted and appreciated measure within the Nordzucker Group.
Nordzucker promotes a family-friendly culture and supports the Fortschrittsindex Vereinbarkeit (compatibility progress index). The compatibility progress index was developed as part of the corporate programme Erfolgsfaktor Familie by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs together with various companies, the German Federal Association of Human Resources Managers (BPM) and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK). The online tool assists companies in assessing and enhancing their level of family-friendliness, thereby making it more visible.
Nordzucker sponsors a day care centre in Braunschweig and offers day care places to employees. Unexpected day care problems are not an issue for our employees – they use the in-house “family room” in our “time-out” area, the “Auszeit” at our headquarters in Braunschweig.
A peak into the “Auszeit” (Time-Out Zone)
Nordzucker’s “Auszeit” in Braunschweig is a 60 m² space where five different services are available to help reconcile work and family life and to promote health and well-being. The “Auszeit” was designed for our employees and tailored to their needs.

It offers a massage and physiotherapy area, a dry-cleaning and ironing service, a fitness area including Powerplate®, a brainLight system (audio-visual deep relaxation with massage), a lounge area and a family room for employees with unexpected day care problems. The “Auszeit” has been a much-used and appreciated space for many years.

The enjoyable lounge atmosphere in the “Auszeit” was extended to the Nordzucker Diner. The Diner is an inviting space with plenty of room for our employees to network, eat or play table football. Short breaks at the Diner or at the “Auszeit” with a coffee and a magazine or book, support the daily balance of our employees.