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Nordzucker Post

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Issue 01/2021 - 28 January 2021
Safety and health are top priority
Special year, special campaign and the virus will continue to be with us. From the beginning, health protection and stopping the spread of the Covid-19 […]
Issue 01/2021 - 28 January 2021
Nordzucker Holding appreciates successful campaign in times of pandemic
The Executive Board of Nordzucker Holding AG thanks everybody involved for their work under the special conditions of the Corona pandemic. Jochen Johannes Juister, Chairman […]
Issue 01/2021 - 28 January 2021
Winter assemblies in a different look in 2021
The good news is that there will still be winter meetings for growers at Nordzucker in 2021. But only under the appropriate conditions. This means […]
Issue 01/2021 - 28 January 2021
Our commitment to the climate
Nordzucker is already setting standards in terms of energy consumption and CO₂ emissions and is exceeding the legal requirements: Since 1990, energy consumption in sugar production […]
Issue 01/2021 - 28 January 2021
Being prepared for change
Under the leadership of Christopher Münke-Svendsen, Head of Agri Sustainable Beet Growing, the “Smart Beet Initiative” was launched at Nordzucker at the beginning of 2020. […]
Issue 01/2021 - 28 January 2021
Sustainable use of packaging material
With the Nordzucker Sustainable Packaging Policy adopted at the end of 2020, Nordzucker acknowledges its responsibility to reduce the environmental impact of its own packaging. […]
Issue 01/2021 - 28 January 2021
Derogation rule for Cruiser 600 FS-treated beet seed in Germany
Infection by the virus yellow transmitted by aphids has led to a massive spread of yellowing disease in sugar beet in some beet-growing regions in […]
Issue 01/2021 - 28 January 2021
Spontaneous fruit delight for breakfast rolls
With SweetFamily 1-2-3 fruit spread, spontaneous homemade breakfast treats are easy play even for gelling beginners – and the cooking pot can stay in the […]
Issue 05/2020 - 8 October 2020
Lars Gorissen: Foundation for stability is laid
Dear Readers, Nordzucker is profitable again! This is the key message I had for our shareholders at the annual general meeting in these turbulent times. […]
Issue 05/2020 - 8 October 2020
Outlook for 2020/21 promises profit
The price level improved significantly and stabilized at the beginning of the 2019/20 sugar marketing year. The effects are clearly visible in the first six […]
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