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Supervisory Board

Advising, monitoring and, above all, working together

The members of the Supervisory Board know the company and business – and diligently perform their duty to advise and monitor the Nordzucker Executive Board and work in close partnership with it as a representative of all the shareholders.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Jochen Johannes Juister, Farmer, Nordhastedt


  • Since 2018
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nordzucker AG
  • Since 2016
    Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nordzucker AG
  • Since 2012
    Chairman of the Executive Board of Nordzucker Holding AG
  • Since 2007
    Member of the Supervisory Board of Nordzucker AG
  • Since 1990
    Farmer with 70 hectares of sugar beet, Founder and managing director of several agricultural service companies in the operative business, since 2014 on the Management Boards of these companies with focus on strategy and employee management
  • 1981-1989
    High School Graduation, agricultural training, study of agricultural science in Kiel

Members of the Supervisory Board

Shareholder representatives: 

  • Jochen Johannes Juister (Chairman), Farmer, Nordhastedt
  • Helmut Bleckwenn, (Deputy Chairman), Farmer, Garmissen
  • Alexander Heidebroek, Farmer, Gevensleben
  • Friedrich Christoph Heins, Farmer, Uehrde
  • Eckhard Hinrichs, Farmer, Wieren-Wrestedt
  • Christoph Klöpper, Chairman of the Management Board, Deutsche Tiernahrung Cremer, Düsseldorf
  • Henrik Madsen, COO, Emmelev A/S, Padborg, Denmark
  • Bernd Schliephacke, Farmer, Rohrsheim 
  • Dr Carin-Martina Tröltzsch, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, K+S Aktiengesellschaft, Bad Homburg
  • Grit Worsch, CEO of VR PLUS Altmark-Wendland, Woltersdorf

Employee representatives:

  • Sigrun Krussmann (Deputy Chairwoman), Laboratory Assistant, Seelze 
  • Steffen Blümel, Energy Facility Electrician, Uelzen
  • Irmhild Börner, Commercial Employee, Sehnde
  • Ulf Gabriel, Electrician, Banteln 
  • Olaf Joern, Mechatronics Engineer, Uelzen
Responsibility, Courage, Dedication and Appreciation - our Code of Conduct is the guideline for business.

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Executive Board


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