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From juice purification to the field

We use lime in the juice purification process. The resulting product carbolime is used in agriculture as a fast-acting lime fertilizer.

Lime for purifying the raw juice

We add the lime to the raw juice, along with CO. In the subsequent reaction, much of the non-sugar material binds to the lime and can then be filtered out together with the lime. This transforms the raw juice into clarified juice. The filtered lime is pressed and, with a dry content of around 68 to 70 per cent, it is distributed to the farmers as a spreadable fertilizer.

Main ingredients
Calcium oxide (CaO)290.0 kg per tonne of carbolime
Phosphor (PO)15.0 kg per tonne of carbolime
Potassium (KO)1.0 kg per tonne of carbolime
Magnesium (MgO)10.0 kg per tonne of carbolime
Sulphur (S) 2.2 kg per tonne of carbolime

Popular lime fertilizer in agriculture

Carbolime is commonly used in agriculture. It has a very fast reaction speed for regulating the pH value of the soil, making it an ideal soil fertilizer. The calcium creates bonds between the clay minerals and the humus in the soil. This supports a stable aggregate structure and improves the air/water ratio in the soil. Its valuable additional nutrients also help to ensure that the plants obtain a balanced supply.

Availability of carbolime

Carbolime is distributed during the campaign and can easily be stored at the edge of the field without significant losses until it is spread on the crop stubble. At some production factories, there is still some available even in summer.

Whether soil cultivation, sowing, fertilization, plant protection - the cultivation of sugar beets is audited.

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