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Issue 4/2023 - 8 November 2023
New sugar silo in Nordstemmen increases storage capacity and flexibility
Nordzucker has started construction of a new sugar silo in Nordstemmen. The silo will considerably increase storage capacity at the Nordstemmen site, reduce truck traffic […]
Issue 4/2023 - 8 November 2023
Sustainability at the Nordstemmen sugar factory: New climate-friendly energy distribution system
As part of the GoGreen programme, Nordzucker commissioned a new climate-friendly, fluorine gas-free medium-voltage switchgear in Nordstemmen on 7 September 2023. In future, the medium-voltage […]
Issue - 8 November 2023
Crush in Australia
Sugar cane has been processed in the three sugar mills in Australia since the beginning of June. Heavy rainfall in July led to unusually long […]
Issue 4/2023 - 8 November 2023
Mackay Sugar nominated as a finalist for "Champion Culture" at the RIN Awards
It was announced at the end of August that Mackay Sugar is a finalist in the Champion Culture category of the prestigious Resource Industry Network […]
Issue 4/2023 - 8 November 2023
Politicians show great interest in our factories
On 4 October, Sebastian Lechner, Chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in the Lower Saxony state parliament and CDU party chairman in Lower Saxony (in […]
Issue 3/2023 - 27 July 2023
Sustainably successful!
Dear readers, At the beginning of July, we were able to welcome many of our shareholders at our Annual General Meeting. In addition to the […]
Issue 3/2023 - 27 July 2023
First quarter: figures point to an extraordinary result
The Nordzucker Group closed the first quarter of the fiscal year at the end of May 2023 with an exceptionally good result. At 643 million […]
Issue 3/2023 - 27 July 2023
Annual General Meetings 2023: Good dividend andgood perspectives – sustainability course confirmed
At the Annual General Meetings of Nordzucker AG and Nordzucker Holding AG on 6 July 2023 in the Volkswagenhalle in Braunschweig, the shareholders confirmed the […]
Issue 3/2023 - 27 July 2023
Sugar beet: state of development
After a spring characterised by cool phases, the sugar beet closed their rows in mid/late June. Compared to previous years, this is five to ten […]
Issue 3/2023 - 27 July 2023
Mackay Sugar's crushing season has started
All three of Mackay Sugar’s sugar mills in Australia have been processing sugar cane again since June. An estimated 5.3 million tonnes of sugar cane […]
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