Nordzucker Post 3/2021 - 1 July 2021
Joint virtual general meetings on 7 July 2021
The joint virtual Annual General Meeting of Nordzucker Holding AG and Nordzucker AG will take place on 7 July 2021 from 9.00 am. The meeting will be broadcast from the company’s headquarters in Braunschweig. The event will be available in full at www.nordzucker.com/de/hauptversammlung.
On the website, you will also find extensive information about the 2020/21 financial year in advance – in particular our annual reports. The Nordzucker AG report contains a special section on the topics of excellence and sustainability. You will also find short video speeches by Lars Gorissen, Axel Aumüller, Alexander Bott and Jochen Johannes Juister. As shareholders, you will have received access data in advance for a restricted area of the Annual General Meeting portal. After logging into the respective portals of the companies, video presentations of the candidates for the respective Supervisory Boards are available in that area.
We look forward to a lively participation on 7 July 2021 from 9.00 a.m. onwards. Shareholders’ questions can be submitted via the respective access-protected AGM portal until 9.00 a.m. on 6 July 2021. These will then be answered during the event.
You can also visit our AGM portal online in advance at: www.nordzucker.com/de/hauptversammlung