20 July 2022
Nordzucker – Annual general meeting supports future strategy
- Nordzucker AG pays dividend of 0.80 euros
- Re-election of Supervisory Board members
- Nordzucker Holding AG convinced of Nordzucker AG’s future course

After virtual annual general meetings in previous years, the shareholders of Nordzucker AG and Nordzucker Holding AG met in the Volkswagen Halle in Braunschweig on 20 July 2022.
In his speech under the motto “Heading for the future”, the Executive Board of Nordzucker AG underlined how the company intends to achieve sustainability, excellence and growth in the coming years. “Our focus is on the attractiveness of sustainable beet cultivation, the reduction of CO2 emissions in our factories and cost efficiency, particularly through digitalisation in all business areas,” explained Dr Lars Gorissen, CEO. “Possible growth areas for Nordzucker lie in the development of new products based on beet and sugar as well as further acquisitions in the cane sugar market. In addition, we are looking into entering the future market of plant-based proteins.”
Nordzucker AG to pay a dividend of 0.80 euros
The shareholders of Nordzucker AG have approved the proposal of the Supervisory Board and Executive Board to pay a dividend of 0.80 euro (previous year: 0.60 euro) per share.
Jochen J. Juister confirmed as supervisory board chairman
The term of office of Helmut Bleckwenn, Henrik Madsen and Grit Worsch as shareholder representatives ended at the close of the Annual General Meeting. The shareholders re-elected Bleckwenn to the Supervisory Board with a term of office of 3 years, as he will then reach the age limit stipulated for Supervisory Board members. Madsen and Worsch were elected to the board by the shareholders for a further five years. At the constituent supervisory board meeting following the annual general meeting Jochen Johannes Juister was confirmed as chairman of the supervisory board of Nordzucker AG.
Nordzucker Holding AG convinced of Nordzucker AG’s future course
At the Annual General Meeting of Nordzucker Holding AG, which was held together with the Annual General Meeting of Nordzucker AG, Jochen Johannes Juister, Chairman of the Executive Board of Nordzucker Holding AG, emphasised in his speech: “As the parent company of Nordzucker AG, we support its course for the future and believe the company is well equipped to successfully master the challenges that lie ahead. I would also like to thank the Executive Board of Nordzucker AG and all employees for managing the company far-sightedly, wisely and in the interests of the shareholders in the 2021/22 financial year.”
The shareholders of Nordzucker Holding AG approved a dividend of EUR 0.60 per share (previous year: EUR 0.70). They thus approved the proposal of the Supervisory Board and Executive Board.
The term of office of some members of the Supervisory Board ended at the close of the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting elected Eckhard Clausen, Friedrich Christoph Heins, Hans-Heinrich Philipps, Jörg Thieß and Christian Wohlenberg to the Supervisory Board for another three years. At the constituent Supervisory Board meeting following the AGM Alexander Heidebroek was confirmed as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Nordzucker Holding AG is the parent company of Nordzucker AG and holds 83.8 per cent of the shares in the operating company